If your purchase included a full set of handbells (2 octaves or more), you will find enclosed a copy of our recommended methods book Joyfully Ring* by Donald Allured; a tube of Malmark Handbell Polishing Cream; and a polishing cloth with jeweler's rouge. An owner's registration form is attached to the guarantee and we ask that you return it immediately. A hex key wrench is included for bearing screw adjustment. You will also find that an application for membership to the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers, Inc. is provided, and we highly recommend your association with this fine organization.
Since 1974, Malmark has manufactured high quality, precision tuned handbells. Thank you for joining our family.
Malmark, Inc.
J.H. Malta
*Joyfully Ring, Published by Broadman Press,
Additional copies available from Malmark, Inc.