General Information

We recomend that you carefully observe the following rules for handling these beautiful instruments.

Before Ringing

We suggest that you take time to examine your handbells to make certain that you are familiar with their many features and how they can add to you enjoyment and use of the bells. Although all Malmark handbells incorporate similar features and construction, one of the larger bells (such as a G4) offers good visibility of the internal parts and their function. If you are not already familiar with the Malmark handbell, we suggest that you have a bell in front of you as we go over it together.

As you hold and observe the bell, you will see that it is composed of five basic parts:

  1. the handle
  2. the handguard
  3. the tuned bronze bell casting
  4. the yoke and restraining mechanism
  5. the instantly adjustable clapper

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