
Other than the hex key wrenches, no special tools are required for adjustment of parts on your bells; and, therefore, none is furnished since it is assumed that everyone has one or more screwdrivers readily available.

To tighten or loosen the main assembly screw (refer to Figure 1), it is recommended that a screwdriver with a 1/4" wide blade be used; the length of the steel blade extension from the bottom of the screwdriver handle to the tip of the blade should, therefore, also be long enough so that it can be inserted through the handle opening along the side of the handle to engage the slot in the head of the main assembly screw adequately.

Make sure this screw is always tight except when turning the casting to select another strike point. If the screw is not tightened securely, it is possible that as a result of vigorously polishing the bell, the casting may loosen. If you have any doubts about it having loosened, re-tighten the main assembly screw. When properly secured, there is no reason for looseness to develop during use of the bells.

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