Salem Lutheran Church Location Page - Recent Visitis: [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Salem's Location (Some Maps)
Salem's Location
(Click to return to Salem's HOME page)
  1. Main "freeway" access to West St. Paul is Hwy 52
  2. Exit Hwy 52 at Butler Exit, West To Robert St, North to Bernard St., West to SALEM
  3. Salem is on West Bernard between N/S cross streets Humboldt and Hall - Address is: 11 West Bernard, West St. Paul
Here are some Map Links to Locate Salem
Map Quest      Google Map
Google Large Map
There are five maps below to help you find us. Click on a map to go to the MapQuest site.
If you need more help, go directly to the MapQuest site.

Map 1 (closest) - Salem is on West Bernard between N/S cross streets Humboldt and Hall

Salem Lutheran Church, West St. Paul, MN

Map 2 (farther out)

Map 3 (farther yet out)

Map 4 (West St. Paul) - Exit Hwy 52 at Butler Exit, West To Robert St, North to Bernard St., West to SALEM

Map 5 (MPLS/STP Metropolitan) - Main "freeway" access to West St. Paul is Hwy 52

Use MapQuest to Locate Salem
In: West St. Paul, MN
At: Street Location

Footer Items
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Counter installed, 25 September 98
(0173, 04/03/00)

Counter installed, 22 April 2011

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This page last uploaded on Friday, 22-Apr-2011 09:24:26 EDT

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