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Salem Lutheran Church, West St. Paul, MN


The Jubilee Ringers of Salem Lutheran Church welcome you (encourage you) to come to a rehearsal to try out ringing handbells and to see "what we are all about".

If you would care to join us at a rehearsal just come on Wednesday evening at 6:15 pm to the Sanctuary of Salem Lutheran Church (September through May). (... Rehearsal is at 6:00 pm during Lent since Lenten Services are at 7:00 pm...) (We do not ring in the summer months of June, July, August.)

(Click for a Map of our location.)

We play with Schulmerich handbells
and Malmark handbells and chimes.
(See our web page for more information!)

Please come to a rehearsal
and discover the "joy of ringing"!!

We have ringing positions open
if you would like to become a member!

Addie Thompson is the new director in Fall 2008

If you care to join us at a worship service,
we ring on the 1st Sunday (11:00 am service) and 3rd Sunday (8:30 am service)
of each month (September thru May).

(Installed 6 Dec 2001)

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