You will note that the clear plastic handle is fastened to the block by four Phillips head screws, two to each side. This block is then fastened to the yoke/handle coupler by means of the main assembly screw. It is important that the ends of the handle fit into the recess in the handguard so that the ends of the block and the ends of the handle rest on the bottom of the recess when the main assembly screw is tightened. If this is not done, there may be a tendency for this screw to loosen during ringing.
Malmark handles are made of a very tough and durable material, and will have an almost unlimited life span with proper use and care. Learning the proper method of holding and ringing the bells is an important factor in proper maintenance of the handles. The hand should encircle the handle like a fist with the thumb and the first finger resting firmly against the handguard. The thumb should be in direct line with the arm, pointer directly away from the body during the ringing motion. The proper grip is described clearly on page nine of the Joyfully Ring manual by Donald Allured. Holding the bell by the end of the handle or inserting one or more fingers in the look of the handle is not recommended and may cause premature failure of the handle.