Troubleshooting Guide

This table lists common problems and areas to check to resolve those problems.
Hesitant or slow clapper movement
  1. Bearing Screws too tight
  2. Lint, dirt, or polish has accumulated in and around bearing screws. Clean with lint free cloth or lighter fluid.
"Clicking" Sound
Most likely the restraining spring is at a slanted angle, not parallel to the bearing block. Inside edge of spring should not touch bearing block. Check spring for proper installation. Edge of the spring may be sanded away if necessary.
"Thudding" Sound
  1. Check to see that clapper head screw is tight.
  2. Check felts for extreme wear.
"Metallic" Sound
  1. Make sure all handle and main assembly screws are tight.
  2. Check that isolation sleeve is in correct position on the coupler shaft so that the bell casting does not touch the metal part of that shaft.
  3. Possibilitry of cracked casting, particularly if casting show impact has occured.
Loose Sounds
Check bearing screws. Tighten if there is side-to-side movement of the clapper shaft. (Too much tightness will result in hesitant clapper action.)
Casting Turns
Tighten main assembly screw. If, after tightening, casting rotates, make sure lockwashers are on BOTH sides of casting.
Handle breakage
  1. Restraining springs too tight
  2. Incorrect handling
Clapper head misaligned
Check that the clapper indexing spring is installed on clapper shaft, figure 4

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